Cinematic Story Telling - Epic Results
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Cinematic Storytelling
Achieving Epic Results

Imagine the power of turning adversaries into believers and believers into advocates for your cause. Envision your organization widening your reach, motivating more people to open their hearts—and checkbooks—to support your cause or purchase your product. Whatever type of organization you represent and whatever its goals are, we can help you achieve epic results through the power of story.

Stories that:

  • Raise awareness and funds for Nonprofits, like our video that helped homeless vets like Jack get shelter and rescued Erika’s children from abuse.
  • Make profits for Corporations, leading Walmart executives to call our work a "game changer."
  • Foster change for Education institutions, like our documentary that spurred California to allocate $1 billion to build badly needed new classrooms, which are helping Julio and Keisha have a brighter future.
  • Inspire action for Government agencies, like our videos that shattered gender stereotypes in the construction workforce and allowed Jennifer to grab the bull by the horns and operate a crane used to help build a 265-foot wind turbine.

We accomplish all this—and much more—not through displaying soulless facts with visual trickery and voiceovers, but through dramatic documentary storytelling. Stories that make your audiences feel the importance of your mission and move their hearts, minds, feet and wallets in your intended direction.


That is absolutely beautiful. I’ve never seen anything that comes close. Simply brilliant!”

It’s rare when a big-name artist like Milton Berle and others take the time to pull the producer aside with praise for the production crew. I’m proud to say that I had this pleasure several times after our show.”

Can’t express in word how wonderful the new BLAST video is. I love the integration of LAUSD, the mayor and LMU. Brilliant.”

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